Primary School (5-12 year olds)
- A rich curriculum imbedded in real challenges, real experiences, real learning and real-life skills; a ‘hands-on’ learning environment filled with enticing opportunities to research as part of a community.
- Open-ended Class Research Learning Journeys – deep research projects, designed using students’ questions/theories and educators’ knowledge of the Australian Curriculum.
- Core skills of Literacy and Numeracy imbedded and explored in authentic endeavours, wherever possible, or targeted in explicit Workshops.
- Social/Emotional competence valued as a pre-requisite for learning, relationships and community cohesion, so an important part of the everyday curriculum.
- The Scientific Method (observe -> hypothesis -> predict -> test -> theory) integral to all learning areas and research.
- Ongoing specialists – Visual Arts, Music & Performing Arts, Outdoor Education, Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program, Sports and Italian.
- Small, multi-age classes target the benefits of collaborative peer-learning and mentoring. A high educator/student ratio – 2:25.
- 30 April age cut-off for primary school entry.
- Classrooms open 8:30am–3pm; optional small After-School program 3-6pm; & adventurous School Holidays program.
- Outdoor Education, including annual Camps, is an essential and compulsory learning experience for all students.